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Get the most out of Compass

Compass allows you to access up-to-date information about our school and your child’s progress. Help with using Compass is available here.

A guide for parents and families

Parents and carers Compass FAQ

How to reset your Compass password  A step-by-step guide if you have forgotten your password. You just need your Compass username to get started.

A parent’s guide to billing. A step-by-step guide to paying school contributions through the Compass app or browser

SMS attendance alerts  Please check your child’s attendance record on Compass before phoning the school.

How to email staff via Compass  Contact your child’s teachers using the Compass email feature.

How to add an attendance note for Unexplained Absences A guide to steps for explaining a late/not present
in class notification.

Confirming your Compass details Ensure that we have your correct mobile number and email details in the system.


© 2023 Northcote High School