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For Northcote High School to continue to thrive and meet the changing needs of our students, we rely on financial support from our school community through our annual contribution program and the Northcote Thrive Fund.

The Northcote Thrive Fund is four purpose-directed funds that are governed by an approved charter and Australian Tax Office fund rules.

We are proud to be the first school in Australia to have been granted tax-deductible status for donations that allow us to purchase essential items for students in need through the Empower fund. Donations to the Build and Inspire funds are also tax deductible.

Together with this generous financial assistance, we also recognise the importance of the non-financial contributions that many of our community members make to our school with their time and skills. Community members can offer services or support through the Contribute fund.


Improve learning and social spaces

Tax-deductible donations to our building fund allow us to realise ongoing upgrades to buildings and social spaces and larger Campus Masterplan projects, supporting current and future generations of students.



Acquire library resources and fund student clubs and activities

Tax-deductible donations to our Library Fund help us to acquire library resources and develop library spaces and fund our diverse co-curricular program and clubs and activities. If every family at the school donated an additional $75 to this fund, we would reach our Library Redevelopment project target.



Fund innovative ideas and projects put forward by students and staff

Donations to this fund encourage and embrace innovative thinking at our school.



Purchase uniforms, books and travel cards for students in financial need

Tax-deductible donations to the ‘Student in need’ fund allow us to purchase essential items, including uniforms, books and travel cards, for students in our community whose families are experiencing financial hardship.



Offer your services or support

Community spirit has always been a powerful force in our school since it was established. We welcome members of our community to contribute their time and energy to events, projects and causes that enrich our wellbeing and that of our wider community.

Email us to contribute your services.

How to donate

There are three ways you can donate to the Northcote Thrive Fund:

  1. Contribute to Northcote Thrive Fund when making your annual ESLI payment.
  2. Make an online donation at any time of the year, using the links above.
  3. Make a donation of another amount to an individual fund or arrange ongoing donation agreements or bequests. To make this possible, contact Sarah Burns on 9488 2325 or email

A record of the donation will be emailed to you, and the school will also provide a receipt for your tax records.

For more information on applying for a grant from our Thrive Empower fund, for students facing financial hardship, please see the Wellbeing and Support page.

© 2023 Northcote High School