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The John Cain Library is a welcoming community space that supports the school’s teaching and learning programs. Students come to read, study, play games, socialise, and relax within the libraries dynamic and vibrant atmosphere. The library also offers a place for students who might need down time away from the hustle and bustle of school life.

The John Cain Library is named after former NHS student and State Premier, John Cain Jr. Mr. Cain took an active role in maintaining his relationship with the school and in his commitment to public education.

The library supports the development of students as readers and digitally literate learners by:

  • Providing all students with equitable access to the wide range of contemporary physical and digital resources they need to complete their course work
  • Encouraging a love of books and reading for pleasure
  • Delivering orientation and research skills programs
  • Assisting students in safely navigating digital environments and protecting their privacy
  • Running an active lunchtime book club and student assistant program
  • Hosting visiting author workshops

The library has an extensive fiction collection shelved by genre and a curriculum-based non-fiction collection. Special collections include Languages, Environment & Sustainability, City School, and First Nations non-fiction.

Indigenous Audit

In 2022 the library undertook a rigorous Indigenous Audit with the assistance of Deakin University First Nations academic, Dr. Al Fricker. Every item in the collection was handled and evaluated for accuracy, authenticity, and the use of appropriate language. This has brought a fresh perspective for staff and students and enabled the school community to improve relationships with Indigenous communities.

The Indigenous Audit is one of the actions forming part of the school’s Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP).


Visit the John Cain Library webpage

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